Nutrition and Digestion: Teacher Resources

A few examples from 'Organisms':

These videos are all screen captures of the 'Organisms' interactive 3D Nutriton and Digestion module, running on a 3D graphics capable PC.

Some of the following videos have soundtracks while others have no sound and are intended as exhibits for teachers to add their own narratives.

The Digestive System

  • Digestive System
  • Digestive System
  • Introduces the terminology and anatomical features of the digestive system and the basic principles of nutrition and digestion:
  • Two subsystems make up the 'Digestive System'
    1. The Alimentary Canal

    2. Accessory Organs

  • The basic principles of digestion:
    1. The three main food groups are Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats (Lipids)

    2. Digestion converts these food groups into nutrients, mainly Amino Acids, Sugars and Fatty Acids& Glycerol.

    3. Ingested food is digested as it passes through alimentary canal.

    4. No food enters any of the accessory organs.

    5. Accessory organs provide chemicals that promote digestion.These compounds are 'secreted' into the alimentary canal. Play Video

The Digestion Process

  • Digestion Process
  • The Four Stages of Digestion
  • The Four Stages of the Digestion Process.
    1. There are four stages to what we understand to be the 'Digestion Process': Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption and Egestion. Play Video

  • As food passes through the alimentary canal, it undergoes both Mechanical Digestion and Chemical Digestion.

    1. Mechanical Digestion crushes, mixes and moves food through the alimentary canal. Play Video

      • The contents of the alimentary canal are moved by 'Peristalsis'. Play Video

      • Mixing of contents is achieved by 'peristalsis' and 'segmentation' (small Intestine only). Play Video

    2. Chemical Digestion transforms large insoluble food group molecules into small soluble nutrient molecules that we can asorb.Play Video

  • Mechanical Digestion Makes Chemical Digestion Possible

Chemical Digestion: Enzymes

  • Enzymes - A Perfect 'Fit'
  • Enzymes are Proteins that accelerate chemical reactions in the body.
  • Enzymes are 'Biological Catalysts' and have properties that make them suitable for their role in Digestion:
    1. Enzymes have unique 'shapes.' Play Video

    2. Enzymes affect only one 'specific' reaction. Play Video

    3. Enzymes are sensive to:

      • temperature
      • pH.
      • and can be 'denatured' by both. Play Video
    4. Enzymes help digest food by 'Hydrolysis.'

    • Resources

    • Eugene the Guru
    • This is a sample from the 'Nutrition and Digestion' module of 'Organisms.' A 3D version will be added over the coming weeks.

  • Let Us Know

    These basic video materials are indicative of what can be achieved with our interactive design framework.

    These basic video materials can be developed into detailed learning resources, that include student progress questions and interactive 3D materials.

    We're interested in designing materials that support teaching strategies that work. So, send us your comments and suggestions.
